amarillo of kerria


WPM (words per minute)

In Japan's book market, books written about TOEIC have established a solid ground. For learners, numeralization of English skills gives a useful map to English learning. Meanwhile, another numeral, wpm, that is, words per minute in reading, is not as much talked about as TOEIC score is.

But I think wpm will offer a very useful map to English learners. You can know approximately where you are in terms of the steps to mastering English as a foreign language. And it enables you to have some prospect regarding the learning path.

Namely, at which level of wpm will you feel you can readily to some extent read English text? until which level of wpm will you feel it's hard to read English text? With which level of wpm are those people do their jobs? With what amount of reading will you develop your wpm at what rate? Etc.