amarillo of kerria



I give attention to a sentence whose meaning I failed to grasp with several times of re-reading. With the question "Where is it that I stumbled in following the unfolding of the sentence structure?" in mind, I peer into the sentence, sometimes highlighting the sentence, sometimes transcribing the sentence onto notepad.

And I make it clear what was the cause of the failure in understanding or the obstacle(s) to understanding. And I find that most cases are classified in failure in parsing or in not knowing (well) the meaning of a word or words. Those failures are chances to know something new. This process could somewhat be thrilling. Those difficult sentences could contain some treasure in terms of studying.

I check the words one by one that appear in the linear order of sentence, building part by part the understanding of the meaning it conveys, as I grope for the pitfall.

However, the judgment of why a sentence was not readily read, i.e., the judgement of what was the pitfall, could occasionally be that the content of the sentence itself was too unintelligible or vague to understand in the first place. Or sometimes it might be because of mere typos or misreading of a word.