amarillo of kerria



A meaning-centered way of reading and a syntax-centered way of reading.

The former would be going to tend towards "速読" or "多読". It feels like a sport such that athletes do it. It's a speed-focused cursory way of reading. And the latter would be going to tend towards "解読" so to say, as the reader does parsing and analysis of structures of sentences one by one. It feels like soliving puzzles successively. Then if the reader adds effort for making the meanings of words clearer, it will reach "精読".

But the way I read books is not necessarily always "精読" ... At some part, I find myself doing "速読"-like reading, but at another part I find myself doing "解読"-like reading. Which way is dominant changes fluidly from time to time. For some parts of a book I am reading a book more in the "速読"-focused way. And for other parts I am reading a book more in the "解読"-focused way. Usually, in my casual reading, these two emerge dominant alternately on my whim. And when it feels appropriate, I feel I need "精読".