amarillo of kerria


Why Muragon?

In this blog, I don't particularly care about what to write. It is that I write in this blog basically in order just to write in English.

Output practice is needed for improvement of my English skills. I am aware of this necessity. It is why I've started this blog. So carefully edited posts would be rare in this blog.

How much size of population of English learners is there in this Muragon blog service? I don't know. Why I this time chose Muragon for this purpose? Why it wasn't Ameba Blog, for example?

Let me confess that I think web pages of Ameba Blog seem unignorably heavy. Perhaps it might not be due to Ameba Blog itself but rather due to possibility of something wrong with my PC or browser. But if it was not due to my PC or browser, why those heavy pages? And why they had not been fixed at least for months of my witnessing the heaviness?

I checked Twitter to see what people say about the usability of the blog service which is (was? I don't know it well) known as the biggest blog service in Japan. But with much irrelevant information hit, I couldn't check it well.

But besides this, I think Ameba Blog puts too many ads in the page. Furthermore, those ads may be video ads. And they can be auto play videos! Perhaps Muragon also may put this kind of ads, but Ameba, in my opinion, uses them too much. Imagine 6 (or more?) video ads in one page that play automatically! This was seen at least in 2016 there in Ameba Blog.

Plus, for a reason which I don't know, the default font of Ameba Blog is MS P Gothic (I'm using Windows). My opinion is that other newer fonts could be more legible. There might be a reason I don't know...

I don't know what state the company's finance is in. But considering Yahoo Blog, running cost of a blog service may be higher than I imagine. And it might be that in the business there are difficulties for me hard to imagine.